06 Jan 2018
BALSTOCK NEWS – both good and bad!!!
Good News first – we’re stoked to announce that we broke all previous fundraising efforts in Balstock 2017 (sooooo long ago!) by a clear 5 grand….bum roll please….
Balstock 2017 grand total raised = £12,200!!!!
That’s £6,100 for Addenbrookes Breast Cancer Appeal and £1,220 each to Baldock Girl Guides, Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Herts Women’s Centre, Stevenage Haven and Magic Moments Nursery School (all pictured)
This momentous amount couldn’t have been raised without the unrelenting efforts of all my beloved committee members, Balstock reps, our volunteers, sponsors, publicans and workers and the mass amount of bands and acts who so generously give their time for free.
Special thanks to all the punters and Baldock’s general public for your donations and crazy antics that make Balstock that bit more special than your average music festival.
Now some sad news (but not neccessarily for everyone!)
The last few years, as Balstock has grown, have been quite physically and emotionally crippling, we have a small amount of volunteers (committiee members and such) putting a whole lot of work in from February to October. This year has been especially tough due to various reasons I’m sure you all know about.
After much agonising and advice from friends and family we’ve decided to give Balstock a year off for 2018. I realise this may make me slighty unpopular around town, but trust me, it’s the best thing for the festival and our volunteers. You may miss out on a grand weekend of free music but I might actually get to have a summer holiday like what normal folks do
I apologise if this balls’s up anyone’s summer plans but there’s lots of exciting events like Sandon Fields, Buntsfest and Baldock Beer Festival that we all hope to be involved in…so dry your eyes, but some pants on and mark 2019 as your next Balstock year.
Once again for old times…
Please do not post slot requests for your band in the comments. Use the Play section and fill in the form provided :)