11 Sep 2024
Balstock Air Guitar Competition (all ages!) Sunday 15th Sept, 4.00 on the Elaine LaRoche Stage
Have you ever wanted to perform on a ‘professional’ stage, but don’t want to learn an instrument??? Then this is for you! We have only 20 spaces for our brand new Balstock Air Guitar Competition, taking place on the Elaine LaRoche Stage, Baldock High Street on Sunday at 4 o’clock.
To enter, go to our High street Balstock Merchandise stand (opens 1.00 on Saturday 14th til 11.00 or Sunday before 3.00) ; hand over £5 and say “THESE GO TO ELEVEN”, and you’ll be awarded a blow-up guitar and be entered into the Air Guitar Competition. Your choice if you use the blow-up guitar in your performance or not.
The Winner will get an entire audience applause and a magic Sash*
*Legal disclaimer: magic is only real at Christmas
So, young or old, weak or strong, male or female, all are invited to enter…but if you are already a guitarist, our crack team of judges will be able to tell!!!
Please do not post slot requests for your band in the comments. Use the Play section and fill in the form provided :)